Trade Union National Executive Committee (TUNEC)


The purpose of the TUNEC is to ensure the proper management and direction of the BDA Trade Union.

Members elected to serve on the committee will provide leadership and direction for the union's affairs across all four nations. TUNEC members will:

  • Uphold the aims and objectives of the BDA
  • Be accountable to the members who elect them
  • Reflect the concerns of the members in their constituency
  • Participate in meetings and events
  • Champion and support the role of the BDA Trade Union
  • Work with the Director of Trade Union and Public Affairs and other BDA staff to ensure the proper functioning of the Trade Union.
  • Ensure that all work is carried out within the context of the agreed BDA equalities statement.

The BDA Trade Union will seek to ensure fair and equal treatment of all members including fair representation and access to services and participation.

We will seek to protect the rights of all members to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

We will promote equality of opportunity for the dietetic profession and work to remove barriers to career progression.

BDA Equalities Statement

BDA Trade Union National Executive Committee (TUNEC) seats:


Elected/Ordinary member 


Vicki Bennett


(Scotland) Chair

Katrina Evans


(England) Vice Chair
Rachael Hawthorne


Northern Ireland

Martin Jones


Disabled Member

Karen Smith


Dietetic Support Worker

Hazel Cheung

Elected England 

Katherine Igidbashian 

Elected Young Members