This page contains the latest Trade Union News Items and Updates for BDA members and Trade Union Representatives. The most recent item is at the top and items will be deleted once their period of relevance has expired.
The Northern Ireland Department of Health has finally accepted the Pay Review Bodies recommendations on pay for HSC staff on Agenda for Change terms and conditions for 2024/25.
The 2024 NHS Pay Review Body (PRB) report has now been published and the BDA is pleased to see that the government has agreed to implement the recommended 5.5% pay award for Agenda for Change staff in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Proper investment in NHS staff is essential for both the UK’s economic success and if there's to be any hope of filling record staff vacancies, health unions say.
Members of the British Dietetic Association (BDA), working in Health and Social Care Northern Ireland (HSCNI) join thousands of other workers in unprecedented strike action today.
Members of the British Dietetic Association (BDA), working in Health and Social Care Northern Ireland (HSCNI) will join thousands of other workers in unprecedented strike action on Thursday, as a last resort for not receiving the pay award they are rightly owed.
The BDA Trade Union is concerned at the current situation affecting the people of Gaza and Israel and would like to share with you a statement made by the TUC General Council yesterday.