This section helps you find advice and guidance if you have a problem at work related to restructuring or redundancy, disciplinary, sickness, capability, grievance, workload or bullying. Your Trade Union team will be able to provide free advice and support or representation for you through any of the above which may include representation and attendance at legal hearings.
Members, your first point of contact for support, advice and guidance is your local BDA Trade Union Representative. If you are unsure who this is, please contact the BDA Trade Union Team directly on 0121 200 8080 (Opt 2) or email [email protected] quoting your full name and membership number.
Northern Ireland Law is significantly different to the remainder of the United Kingdom. The advice on these pages relates solely to England, Scotland and Wales legislation.
The Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey legislation is significantly different to UK legislation. The advice on these pages relates solely to England, Scotland and Wales legislation.
For advice on issues in The Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey contact the BDA Trade Union Office.
A BDA Members first point of contact will be their local BDA Trade Union Representative.