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About us

Back in November 2023 we got in touch to let you know of our plans to relaunch our branch in South Wales. We are hopeful that we will be able to hold at least one branch event this year, but we really need your support to make that happen.

We welcomed Kieran Bryant as our new chair, alongside our growing committee members; Niamh, Shani, Megan, Jennifer and Chloe. There are still a few committee role vacancies that involve event and sponsorship planning and social media support. Whether you are new to volunteering with us, or have experience of previous volunteering roles, we would love to hear from you. Find out more here.

As we continue to develop our volunteer programme, now is a great time to get involved. We will support you every step of the way to ensure that you get the best experience possible. This will allow you to make a positive impact on members and the dietetic profession in South Wales.

Follow us on social media for the latest updates: X @bdasouthwales and Instagram @bdasouthwalesbranch.