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Chairperson - Natasha Guildford

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Natasha graduated from the University of Plymouth in 2011 and currently works as a Hepatopancreaticobiliary (HPB) Dietitian at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford. She has previously worked in Chichester (Oncology Dietitian), Southampton (HPB Dietitian and Research Dietitian), Brighton, Isle of Wight, and Belfast. She therefore has a good knowledge of the South East of England and links across many hospitals.

She was the Treasurer on this committee for 4 years before stepping up to the role of Chairperson in 2019. Her goal as Chair is to keep the branch up to date by using social media and webinars, and to create a friendly environment for networking and sharing knowledge. Also to ensure we are practicing in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

Contact: [email protected]

Vice Chair - Rowena Kelly


Rowena is currently studying Dietetics at the University of Winchester and plays an important role in our committee with PR and updating our social media channels.

Secretary - Elizabeth Diamond 

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Elizabeth (also known as Lil) has been working as a dietitian since graduating from King’s College, London in 2009. She has spent most of her career working in Home Enteral Nutrition but is now enjoying a new role as an Oncology Dietitian with Kent Community Health. Lil joined the committee as an ordinary member in 2022 and is keen to provide CPD and networking opportunities for dietitians in the South East area and particularly Kent.  

 Treasurer - Abigail Jenkinson


Abi graduated from the University of Surrey and currently works as a Rotational Paediatric Dietitian at University Hospital Southampton. She previously worked as a Band 5 Rotational Dietitian at the same Trust where she gained experience in Stroke, Prescribing Support and Home Enteral Nutrition. Abi joined the committee as a Student Member and became the Treasurer on this committee in 2023.

Contact: [email protected]

Ordinary Member - Kerry Smith


Kerry is currently the Head of Service for an Intergrated Musculoskeletal Serrvice. Her previous specialist area was critical care.

Resource Officer - Jordan Whiting


Jordan has a MSc in Sport and Exercise Nutrition and is now orking in obesity and public health, coaching patients through cognitive behaviour techniques and motivational interviewing.

Social Media Officer - Mandy Lim


Mandy works as a rotational acute dietitian at East Surrey Hospital full-time and enjoys creating social media content in her free time. She hopes to share learning opporutnitites and resources through our social media channels and to keep you up-to-date with relevant upcoming events. 

Sponsorship Officer - Claire Rush


Student Member - Hannah Gray


Hannah is a third year dietetic student studying at Winchester University. She has a passion for women's health within dietetics. 

Web Editor - Rose Milner

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Rose is a graduate from Plymouth University and currently works as an adult cystic fibrosis dietitian and student training lead for Oxford University Hopsitals NHS Foundation Trust. She  has an interest in digital innovation within dietetics. 

We always welcome new committee members and we are always looking to recruit! If you are interested in finding out more, please email [email protected] or look at the Volunteering opportunities - British Dietetic Association (BDA) page.

We currently have vacancies for the following positions:

  • Chair

  • Events Officer

  • Student Members