
Timeline of useful public health documents

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General resources

Cardiovascular disease prevention

Joint PHSG & BACPR Position Statement in relation to CVD and COVID 19

Please see our recent position statement published in the British Journal of Cardiology here.

Useful links

Best start in life

Introducing a Cup to an Infant's Diet

Public Health Group members have reviewed the evidence base regarding 'Introducing a Cup to an Infant's Diet'. As a result they have:

  1. Produced a BDA Policy Statement on the topic area (currently under review)

  2. Revised and updated the Comic Company leaflet that was based on an original idea by the Community Nutrition Group. The leaflet 'Moving on to Cups' and associated poster is available to purchase from their website. A Welsh language version is also available to order.

  3. Written a feature for the Journal of Family Healthcare for the April 2015 edition.

  4. Produced a press release.

  5. Featured in an 'Ask the Expert' slot.

  6. Developed an article for the publication Early Years Education (June edition).

Many thanks to the working party who completed the work: Elaine Gardner, Vicki Watson, Carol Matta, Ruth Breese, Emma Levkevicius.

Moving on to Cups leaflet

The new leaflet is now available from the Comic Company website. A Welsh version is also available. Many thanks to Liza Williams and NHS Wales for the translation services. 

School Nurse Training in Healthy Weight for Children

The Public Health Nutrition Specialist Group have been working with the School and Public Health Nurses Association (SAPHNA) on a DH funded project to support School Nurses in the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) in England. This was as a result of previous work by a group member Sarah Bowyer on the 2015 document 'Tackling Childhood Obesity: Professional Guidance for Health Visiting and School Nursing'.

Materials, including a presentation, interactive discussions and exercises, have been produced for a one-day training programme and have been endorsed by the BDA CED. The training day includes:

  • Current Policy and NCMP data

  • Causes and effects of childhood obesity

  • Assessment of a child's height and weight

  • Classifying Body Mass Index

  • School Nurse support- best practice

  • Pro-active interaction with children and families

The programme has undergone independent evaluation by the University of Northumbria. 

Many thanks to group members who have supported the development: Elaine Gardner, Jo Hulks, Vicki Watson, Carol Raaff.

Regional Training Events for School Nurses are now complete. An evaluation of the impact on practice is currently being undertaken.

Any dietitians that would be interested in delivering this one-day training to School Nurses in their area, please contact Elaine Gardner on [email protected].

The work was presented at the 18th Biennial School Nurses International Conference, 28-31 July 2015, Greenwich University, London.

An article on the training was published in the Journal of Family Healthcare in July/August 2015 (Vol 25 No 4).

Useful links

Public health education

International resources


Health inequalities and food insecurity

Regenerative food partnerships





Northern Ireland

Community initiatives


Health weight focus

Diabetes prevention