PRiNG has developed competencies for paediatric renal dietitians. Please contact the chair to obtain a copy.
Vitaflo’s 13th International Paediatric Renal Nutrition Conference will be held as a hybrid event in November 2025. Come back soon for key theme's of the conference or contact the chair for further details.
Kidney Diseases. Clinical Paediatric Dietetics, 5th edition. Ed Shaw V, 2020. Wiley Blackwell
NICE guidelines [CG157] Hyperphosphataemia in chronic kidney disease: Management of hyperphosphataemia in patients with stage 4 or 5 chronic kidney disease.
KDOQI Clinical Practice Guideline for Nutrition in Children with CKD: 2008 Update. Am J Kidney Dis 2009; 53(3):S1-S124.
KDIGO 2017 Clinical Practice Guideline Update for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, Prevention, and Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease – Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD). OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY VOLUME 7
infoKID - information for parents and carers about children's kidney conditions
KidsKidneyDiet app - education interactive app for children and parents/carers available for free via the Apple app store to download (not available on Android devices)
Kidney Friendly Cookbook (available in English and Arabic) - available on the Kidney Care UK website