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About us

Paediatric Renal Nutrition Group (PRiNG) is a Sub Group of the Paediatric Specialist Group of the British Dietetic Association. It consists of experienced paediatric dietitians with expertise in a range of childhood diseases affecting the kidneys including children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 2-5 and those on dialysis, acute kidney injury, nephrotic syndrome, tubular disorders and other rare kidney disorders. Although the majority of the group is made up of dietitians working in the 13 paediatric renal units across the UK, dietitians who have an interest in kidney disease are welcome to join.


Provides a network for paediatric renal dietitians to aid:

  • Communication
  • Professional support
  • Education 
  • Product development 
  • Resource development
  • Collaborative audit
  • Improved outcomes for our children


PRiNG members must be members of the BDA and of the Paediatric Specialist Group. Non members may be invited to events and to participate in PRiNG activities.


Group membership and meetings are currently free. The Treasurer of the Paediatric Group of the BDA will support PRING when needed.  

Joining PRiNG

BDA members of the Paediatric Specialist Group can join PRiNG for free. Please log into My BDA, click onto "add new specialist groups" and you can select the sub group from there.