What do prescribing support dietitians do?


Specialist area:

Prescribing correct nutritional products.

What do prescribing support dietitians help with?

You may need a special food or drink on prescription if you have an illness or a particular health condition. A prescribing support dietitian can provide guidance on the most appropriate product to be prescribed for you.

They work with patients, doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. They will either help you directly or teach and train other healthcare professionals.

They also analyse data to make sure too much or too little isn't prescribed.

Who do prescribing support dietitians help?

Prescribing support dietitians help you understand when to use nutritional products on prescriptions. For example, what to prescribe, when, how much, and for how long.

If you have medical needs they can help you to get the specialist products you need, for example:

Medical need Specialist products on prescription
Coeliac disease Gluten free items
Babies with additional feeding needs Special infant formula 
Swallowing difficulties Thickened drinks or tube feeds
Long term conditions such as cystic fibrosis, Crohn's, Inherited Metabolic Disorders Various medical feeds 

They can help you make a decision on using food to meet nutritional needs for a greater quality of life.

How do prescribing support dietitians work?

Prescribing support dietitians consider both individual patients and whole population needs. They consider care pathways, service quality improvement, and value for money.

Where do prescribing support dietitians work?

You can find them in GP practices, in your local care system, and at a regional level overseeing NHS care in your area. The location and roles vary and change according to what the local needs are. 

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