Public Resources

Healthy Ageing

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Eating, Drinking and Ageing Well

An evidence-based healthy eating resource for older adults.

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Muscle Health, Nutrition and Ageing

Best read alongside Eating, Drinking and Ageing Well (above); this resource focuses on nutrition for muscle health in older adults.

Hydration in Older Adults

This BDA fact sheet contains information about hydration for older adults.



Vitamin D

People over 65 years old are at increased risk of low vitamin D. This BDA fact sheet details the best ways to get enough vitamin D safely.


Nutritional Vulnerability - Identification & Management


Spotting & Treating Malnutrition

This BDA fact sheet provides details on spotting, preventing, and treating malnutrition through a nutrient-dense, food-based approach.




Prevention & Management of Pressure Injuries

Pressure injuries can occur for a number of reasons. Addressing one reason, this BDA fact sheet focuses on how your food and fluid choices may be able to help with both prevention and treatment.



Osteoporosis & Diet

This BDA fact sheet details a bone-friendly diet and lifestyle: useful at any age to strengthen bone, or minimise age-related bone loss.



Tools to Identify Malnutrition by the Patients Association

The Patients Association checklist was developed in 2018 to address a gap that existed for self-screening tools that were simple and easy to use. There's one version for the public to use for themselves and one for health and social care professionals, including carers.

Photographic credit to Centre for Ageing Better's Age Positive Image Library published under the CC0 licence to Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0