Previous Meetings and Events

This page will contain details of forthcoming meetings and presentation slides from previous events.

Virtual Meeting - 21 February 2024

Revised standards of conduct, performance and ethics with guidance on social media - Florence Milliken - HCPC - Download slides

How the BDA can support members through these changes and those in breech of the standards with Najia Qureshi, BDA Director, Education and Professional Practice

Dietitians’ Guide to TikTok: how to create engaging social content with Tom Tracey, BDA Digitial Content Manager

Q&A Session with Liz McKnight, Dietetic Manager and Katie Hunter, Public Health Dietitians to help discuss what this means in terms of 'real life' dietetics

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Click here for Attendance Certificate


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Study day 3 May 2018


1. Dr Sinead Duggan - Chronic Pancreatiti

2. Kerry Brennan - Tissue Viability

3. Joanne Deery - International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) 



12th June 2017 - Dietitians Week

Hello from the Ulster Hospital. A great turnout in Belfast for the event. #DietitiansWeek


Kate McCulla presents the evidence on weight loss. Here is a link for those of you who missed the event or want a copy of the slides: read Kate's presentation slides.


Jayne and Claire, Specialist Diabetes Dietitians, SEHSCT can give the facts on Diabetes and Diet.



NI Research Symposium UUJ, 30th November 2016

Thanks to all our excellent speakers at the Symposium and a special thanks to Aymes our sponsor. Lots of brilliant work being done in NI #NIdietitians.

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NI Branch Meeting 24th Nov 2016

The Larkin Room, Postgraduate Centre, Belfast City Hospital.

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Dr Kirsten Whitehead, DIET-COMMS project lead, shared her work on a new training package to support the development and enhancement of communication skills in healthcare.

Anne Myers-Wright dietitian showed us how to promote ourselves and our profession using social media,.

Aisling Hall provided an overview of implementing Dietetic Outcomes in Northern Ireland so far.

CPD event and AGM - 22 June 2016

17.30 – 20.00, Innovation Centre, Ulster Hospital, Belfast

The event was attended by over 60 members and was an opportunity to hear from Joanne Casey from the Food Standards Agency on the newly revised EatWell Plate and discuss the new changes in detail. Andy Burman, BDA Chief Executive gave an overview on what the BDA is doing for you. The Branch AGM also took place and members were given an opportunity to discuss the future of the Branch.

Members utilised the videoconferencing facilities at South West Acute Hospital, Enniskillen, Altnagelvin Hospital and Antrim Area Hospital.