Career case studies

Dietetic Assistant

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Fay Alam

Fay shares her experiences of working as a dietetic assistant within a multidisciplinary team providing intensive support for people with eating disorders. Fay works closely with dietetic and multidisciplinary colleagues and facilitates group patient education and support.

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Flo Rigby-Bell

Flo shares her experiences of working as a dietetic assistant within an adult eating disorder service. Flo has a varied role within the ward which includes ensuring catering provisions are appropriate within the ward and working 1:1 with patients to support their recovery.

Dietetic Apprentice

Adelle Tulip

Read about our Mental Health Specialist Group (MHSG) member Adelle’s experiences of training via a Dietetic Apprenticeship route. Adelle supports children and young people with suspected ARFID as part of her paediatric role.

Phoebe Symons

MHSG member Phoebe shares her journey into dietetics via the Dietetic Apprenticeship route. We’re proud to showcase alternative pathways and celebrate lived experiences like Phoebe’s, which inspire her passion for excellence in dietetic practice.

Mental Health

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Olivia Mason

MHSG member Olivia shares her role in adult mental health, supporting diverse patient groups. Her passion for the food-mental health connection was solidified during a mental health placement, inspiring her to pursue this rewarding area of dietetics.

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Nathalie Jones

MHSG member Nathalie shares her experiences specialising within an alcohol and drug recovery service in Scotland. Nathalie discusses the need to adapt approaches to care to ensure patients feel able to be their true self.

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Adelle Shaw

MHSG member Adelle tells us about her unique role supporting patients admitted to an acute hospital setting following a deterioration in their mental health. 

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Garreth Burke

MHSG member and Forensics sub-group committee member Garreth tells us about his role within Forensics and why no two days are the same.

Eating Disorders

Megan Mehnert

MHSG member Megan shares her experiences of working in Wales as an early career mental health dietitian before moving to an eating disorder role within a FREED pathway.

Claire Bedworth 

Read about our MHSG member Claire’s decision to move into eating disorders for a new and rewarding change in her dietetic career.

Enteral Feeding

Michelle Barry

MHSG member Michelle works in a home enteral feeding (HEF) role, supporting patients with diverse needs, including those with coexisting mental health conditions or learning disabilities.

Learning Disabilities

Melissa Goodall

MHSG member Melissa’s passion for learning disability dietetics shines through in her career case study. As a lead dietitian she holds clinical and management responsibilities within her role.

NHS Principle Practitioner / Management

Gill Senior

MHSG member Gill tells us about her career pathway into a dietetic management role within a large mental health trust.

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Sara McKenzie

MHSG member Sara tells us about her role as Consultant in Nutrition and Hydration for a large mental health trust.

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Gillian Farren

MHSG member Gillian shares how her placement experience sparked her initial interest in mental health. Gillian now supports a team of dietitians as Professional Lead for Dietetics within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde in Scotland.

Research and policy

Emily Walters

MHSG member Emily shares her passion for nutrition in dementia care and her experiences of undertaking a PhD in this area. Lots of great advice for anyone considering doctorate study.

Overseas trained

Martyna Beloviene

MHSG member Martyna trained overseas in Lithuania before moving to the UK to practice as a mental health dietitian. Read about her experience and advice for other overseas trained dietitians.

Sophie Buddo

MHSG member Sophie trained in New Zealand before moving to the UK where she has now worked for 7 years, mostly on sponsorship visas. Read about her experience and advice for other overseas trained dietitians.

Private practice / Freelance

Sarah Morton

MHSG member Sarah tells us about her experience working in both the NHS and freelance setting in Northern Ireland. She offers excellent advice for anyone considering the freelance world.