Useful Links

The following is a carefully curated list of resources that might be useful to members of the Learning Disabilities group. Please let us know if any of the links no longer work, have inappropriate content, or if you have any links you would like to share.

National oraganisation working with and for people with a learning disability.

Learning disabilities - NHS (

Choice Forum - the UK learning Disabilties Forum

Foundation for people with learning difficulties

Learning Disability England

Learning Disabilities - NHS (

Nutrition guidelines and recommendations.

What do Dietitians need to know when seeing a patient with a learning disability? BDA

Meeting nutritional and hydration needs - Health & Social Care Act 2008

Learning Disabilities Mortality Review (LeDeR) - Nutrition & Diet

BDA - The Nutritional Care of Adults with a Learning Disability in Care Settings

Eating Well - Children and Adults with learning Disabilities. Caroline Walker Trust

Managing weight with a learning disability - NHS

Weight management for people with a learning disbility - BDA

Supporting people with learning disabilities to have a healthy diet -

Making reasonable adjustments to obesity and weight management services for people with learning disabilities -

Learning disabilities UK data & statistics

Learning Disability OHID information on population, health, accomodation, social care, co-ordination and local planning

Mencap - latest research and statistics about learning disability issues

Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory

Health inequality guidelines and recommendations.

LeDeR - Learning from lives and death. Action from Learning Report 

Improving healthcare access for people with learning disabilities

Mental Capacity Act guidelines.

Mental Capacity Act 2005

Mencap - What is the Mental Capacity Act?

Mencap - mental Capacity Act Resource Pack

Miscellanious links: 

Care & support of people growing older with LD (NICE 2018)

AHP Learning Disability and Autism - Alex Larkin (