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About us

Our mission is to support those living with ARFID by building dietetic expertise and knowledge through the provision of a nationwide network of resources, education and forums for Dietitians working within Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)

We provide a friendly, welcoming, and creative space which fosters learning, innovation and critical thinking. We strive to create a group where difference is both celebrated and harnessed to improve the way we think and treat those struggling with ARFID.

Our aim

  • To support dietitians working with ARFID through communication, sharing knowledge and providing networking opportunities
  • To contribute to the limited and growing evidence base through collaboration
  • To champion and promote the essential role of dietitians within ARFID care
  • To put dietitians front and centre of practice and policy developments.

ARFID is a heterogenous and complex condition which utilises an array of skills and experience. These are not only across the whole MDT but are also within our own profession - benefitting from a range of different skills, experiences, and backgrounds.

Who is the ARFID Sub-Group?

We welcome those already in roles or those who are looking to work with individuals with ARFID, as well as student members and those who just wish to learn and find out more.

You can join us by visiting the Join a specialist group page. Membership with the Mental Health Specialist Group costs just £20 per year and you can add us as a free sub-group. Student BDA members can join two specialist groups for free.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions about the group.

Member benefits

Prior to our official launch, the group has developed and shared an internationally recognised dietetic ARFID position statement as well as delivered a BDA study day; shared guidelines for sensory re-feeding admissions; written awareness articles for the British Journal of GP’s; presented at conferences such as the International Eating Disorders Conference in London 2023; contributed to national media discussions.

Going forward as a sub-group we have in development NDR-UK resources; written resources, a dietetic practice toolkit and dietetic competency standards; produced tools for measuring dietetic effectiveness; and developed a severity matrix for improving our understanding of ARFID risks. We look forward to continuing to develop and share a wealth of resources with our members including providing opportunities for you, and service users, to shape what we create, or development opportunities for you to share in their creation.

As well as this, our ARFID Sub-Group members get:

  • Access to virtual CPD meetings covering a wide variety of relevant and current topics, areas of interest and guest speakers held every 2 months for 1.5 hours
  • Access to recordings of these meetings for anyone unable to attend at the specified date/time
  • Access to our annual study event, with experts presenting on different themes each year
  • Webinars and study events on specialist topics
  • A dedicated discussion forum, 'Basecamp', providing a safe space to ask questions of fellow ARFID Dietitians, share ideas and discuss current challenges.
  • A newsletter every two months after each committee meeting, containing information about projects and updates
  • Access to an online resource library
  • Committee volunteering opportunities for even greater practice impact


For more information, contact us at [email protected]

Please note: The BDA ARFID Sub-group does not give advice directly to individual members of the public.