Lone Working Renal Dietitians

Supporting lone working renal dietitians 

We appreciate that although our webinars fulfil some of the education and update needs that Regional Kidney Dietitian Specialist Group groups used to provide, local networking may not be taking place as easily. Dietitians from smaller or single handed renal departments have expressed a need for Mentoring, Clinical Supervision or just informal contact with Renal Dietitians outside of their Trusts. So far we have been able to help people to connect, and would like to continue to facilitate.

If you would like contact outside your trust, an idea may be to approach a larger local departments to see if you could shadow, be a part of any renal CPD or clinical supervision sessions that they might undertake, or contribute to any of their projects. The Kidney Dietitian Specialist Group runs projects mainly on Teams and shared drives. Being involved with these, or joining the Kidney Dietitian Specialist Group committee will provide networking with other renal dietitians, as well as CPD. 

Eunice Musa is starting sessions with one other single handed renal dietitian, and new members of the group would be welcome. Contact Eunice via the BDA email below. Or, if you would like to be a person of contact to set up your own virtual group, for anything from formal Clinical Supervision to an informal virtual coffee break club, you could post on our forum. Let us know if you would like our help to include your details in our newsletters, or on our webpages. RenalNutrition@bda.com

And don't forget you can connect with others via our social media - @bda_renal (on both Instagram and X, formerly Twitter).