We completed a short advice sheet for Food Banks catering to clients with Kidney Disease. It is available here. Kidney Kitchen in conjunction with the KDSG has produced a Budget Conscious magazine style booklet with recipes, which is available free on their website for people with CKD. These magazines can be ordered in bulk for dietitians but there is a charge now. The Food Bank guidance is also on the KCUK website and in their booklet, and it has been circulated to The Trussell Trust and an association for Independent Food Banks.
We are aiming to protect our patient's dignity, if they wish, by making the Food Bank advice as widely available as possible. Please let us know if you are aware of another organisation we should inform. [email protected]
You can find the completed Low potassium advice sheets for Eastern European, Chinese and Far Eastern, South Asian and African Caribbean cultures in English here - along with the dietitians’ handbook. When we surveyed, Polish and Cantonese translations were the most called for, so these have been translated and are also available here to download. You can also buy high quality printed copies from the BDA shop.
Obtaining accurate translations has been difficult due to funding. More translation is ongoing. Please support this project by buying copies from the BDA shop where you can.
We are also looking for support in reviewing these resources after translation to ensure quality. if you speak a non-English language and would like to help us, please get in touch. [email protected]
Thushara Dassanayake is leading this project: [email protected]
Jane Richardson is leading a working group producing a bank of updated resources for people with kidney disease. We have produced mainly Fact Sheet level resources so far, suitable for access without a renal dietitian. We are now moving on to resources for kidney dietitians to use with people with kidney disease.
This important work should save us all time, by saving us separately writing our own. You are welcome to join us to help produce the resources. Let us know if you are intending to produce a resource locally and if you are happy to share. Or work with us to produce a nationally used one.
We have just completed an information sheet for those with CKD 1-5 who do not need low potassium, low phosphate or nutritional support advice, in association with the NKF. Our formatted version is available on our website for dowloading in English, Welsh, Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, Polish, Punjabi and Chinese. Find the webpage here.
There are also details there on how to order the Kidney Care UK booklet. We are updating this currently. It is in the formatting stage, so will be available to order free from KCUK soon.
There is also a Plant Based Healthy Eating for your Kidneys information sheet which we have produced in conjunction with Plant based Health Professionals here.
We have produced an information sheet on Phosphate that is suitable for use without a dietetic consultation. it covers both high and low phosphate needs to the level of a Fact Sheet. See the information here.
We have started to produce a Low Phosphate patient information sheet which is intended to be used during a dietetic consultation.
We are also producing one with more information on phosphate additives in food. We hope to make this suitable as a stand alone sheet, that does not need a dietitian to explain, but it will also supplement the low phosphate information.
A Potassium Fact Sheet is now available here. This page also has links to the KCUK First Line Potassium Advice information, and other potassium information to download. We are updating the FIrst line Potassium advice for KCUK. When completed, it will replace the current one on KCUK website.
We have just finished a Plant Based/ Vegetarian/Vegan low potassium information sheet, which is also suitable for Asian type diets, and this is being formated. It will be available on this webpage soon.
We have started to produce a pictoral style easy-read resource on How to Eat Less Salt. It is planned that this will be followed by other easy read resources for people with kidney disease.
Meanwhile, there are some videos produced and kindly shared by North Bristol Trust available here. And some by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde here and here
Additionally, we are considering information on Diabetes and CKD, Potassium Additives in food, and a credit card sized additves information card in conjunction with KCUK. Please contact us with any requests for additional patient resources that you would like to see, and with any requests for a priority order in those planned using the email: [email protected]