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About us

Dietitians are a key part of the multi-disciplinary team working to care for people living with HIV (PLHIV). Since the advent of effective anti-retroviral (ARV) treatment for HIV, the role of the dietitian has changed from one primarily focused on nutritional support of acutely unwell patients, to one supporting healthy lifestyle choices and therapeutic dietary interventions to enable and facilitate long and healthy lives for PLHIV.

HIV Care is a Specialist Group founded in 1993. The Group aims to inform, support, network and be a platform to facilitate dietitians to development their skills in nutrition and HIV. We aim to keep you up to date with all the news, latest research, and projects related to HIV.  The role of an HIV dietitian is complex and broad, the group aims to support dietitians to develop their knowledge, skills and expertise with the aim of providing the best possible care for PLHIV.  

HIV Care membership is open to all qualified dietitians and students. Non-members are also welcome to attend our study days and webinars. Membership gives access to otherwise restricted information including Competencies, Resources, References, Drop in sessions and Projects. 

HIV Care currently runs an annual education programme which includes, 2 online webinars, one in-person study day, monthly drop in sessions and an education training day

HIV Care works in close conjunction with other associations such as the British HIV Association, British Association of Sexual Health and HIV, National HIV Nurses association and HIV Pharmacy Association, and is often approached to comment on national documents or be involved in national projects such as Standards of Care for People living with HIV.

We are a friendly specialist group who value networking and supporting each other. We look forward to meeting you at a group event soon.