Annual CCSG Research award

CCSG Annual Award 2024


The CCSG Annual Award 2024 is now open! We are delighted to be able to have three awards to offer this year with Nutrinovo continuing to sponsor our first prize. We are really grateful for this sponsorship as it will allow us to expand the award and enable more members to benefit. Thank you to Nutrinovo. 

Information about the award

The CCSG annual award is about showcasing the excellent research, audit and service evaluation projects that UK critical care dietitians are involved in. We are particularly interested in novel and innovative projects that have been implemented into clinical practice and shown to improve either patient care or improve the ways that dietitians work in critical care. However, we will accept any research, audit or service evaluation projects.

The annual award will follow the same structure as last year with one update to the submission requirements. Please read the instructions carefully.  There are two opportunities to submit and present your work, one at our Annual Award and the other at the BDA Research Symposium for the Critical Care stream.

There will be three prizes this year

  • 1st prize: £2000 cash prize
  • 2nd prize: £500 towards attendance at a conference of your choice.
  • Best poster prize: free ticket to the CCSG annual study day 2025

All award presenters will be expected to attend the annual study day in person and cover their costs (registration, travel, accommodation).

Up to 6 entries (including the winner and runner up) can automatically be submitted to the BDA research symposium (critical care stream) with the submission cost covered by the CCSG if the author chooses this option. All other submissions can still be eligible for entry into the BDA research symposium at their own cost. The winner and runner up of the CCSG award will not be eligible to win the BDA critical care research stream award, but will have the opportunity to present their work to a wider audience. All submissions to the BDA research symposium of sufficient quality (as judged by the abstract reviewers) will have their abstracts published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.

Important dates:

  • Initial submission: Monday 1st July 2024, 5pm
  • Revision or initial outcome returned by: Monday 22nd July 2024, 5pm
  • Final submission: Monday 19th August 2024, 5pm
  • Final outcome: Monday 9th September 2024, 5pm

Submission Instructions

We invite you to submit an abstract of your work by 5pm on Friday 28th June 2024 following the guidance below. Abstracts that do not follow this guidance will not be considered for the award. We will review your abstract and suggest any necessary revisions by 5pm on Monday 22nd July 2024.  

As all submissions are marked anonymously, please submit TWO versions of your abstract (one anonymised without author details or affiliations and one fully completed version).

All abstracts should be submitted using the online portal found here: CLOSED

Do not hesitate to contact Danni Bear ([email protected]) or Terpsi Karpasiti ([email protected]) for any queries or advice pre-submission. Keep your eye on basecamp and our social media channels for any updates and additional support for the award.

Format of the abstract

For details on the abstract formatting, layout and referencing please see the guidance document below.

CCSG Annual Award_2024.pdf 1


There is also an FAQ document that should help answer any extra questions you may have.