Sophie Killer
Dr Sophie Killer is a Performance Nutrition consultant in elite sport, having worked as the Head of Performance Nutrition at British Athletics and Tottenham Hotspur FC and as a senior member of the English Institute of Sport Performance Nutrition team. Sophie was the lead nutritionist for British Athletics, supporting the Olympic and Paralympic Track & Field team throughout the Rio 2016 Games and continues to work in Athletics in a consultancy role in the lead up to Tokyo 2020. Sophie has gained a wealth of experience working with a wide range of elite athletes from cyclists, runners and triathletes as well as extreme sports athletes (currently as a consultant for the Red Bull performance team), through to team sports, including leading the nutrition service for British Basketball during the London 2012 Olympic Games and having spent 5 seasons working in Premier League Football. Sophie also works with a biotechnology start-up, in developing the first ever real-time sweat sensor for use by athletes, practitioners and researchers.
Sophie completed her PhD in Exercise Metabolism & Performance Nutrition at Loughborough University, under the supervision of Professors Asker Jeukendrup and Mike Gleeson, and continues to engage in research through numerous collaborations. She holds a Visiting Fellowship in Sports Nutrition at Loughborough University where she is involved in PhD supervision and sessional lecturing. She has 16 publications to date, sits on the Editorial Board of the BioMed Central Nutrition Journal, is a Review Editor for Frontiers in Nutrition and is an invited reviewer for the BJSM, EJSS, IJSNEM and IJSPP.