Routes to registration

There are three routes to joining the SENR for the first time: 

  1. Graduate
  2. Practitioner
  3. Academic

You can find the requirements for each category and details of how to apply below.

You can also use this flow chart to determine which route you should take.

Graduate registration

This category recognises you have gained the appropriate undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications needed to join the SENR with Graduate registration status.

It is for those who have the qualifications and now need to gain relevant experience (two to three years) to allow them to submit a portfolio of evidence of practice to enable progress to Practitioner registrant status.

Graduate registration encourages safe and ethical practice in graduate registrants from the outset of engagement in sport and exercise nutrition practice.

Graduate registration is awarded to individuals who can demonstrate appropriate qualifications, against Section A of the SENR Competency Framework 2022.

Practitioner registration

This category recognises your qualifications and experience of working in the field of sport and exercise nutrition.

This category denotes those who have submitted comprehensive evidence to the SENR assessment panel and who have been assessed and approved by the SENR assessment panel as having demonstrated their ability to meet all the SENR competency statements and to practice as a registered sport and exercise nutritionist.

Academic Associate registration

This category denotes senior academics and researchers in the field of sport and exercise science and nutrition. This is not a practitioner category – rather a peer recognition of the high-quality science and evidence base, taught, researched and published by those on this list.

Academics and researchers delivering applied sport nutrition services aligned to their role advised to register through the practitioner route.