Practitioner registration

If you haven’t already, please view the routes to registration to help you decide which category of registration you should apply for.

Practitioner registrants are qualified and experienced in the field of sports and exercise nutrition. Practitioner registration is awarded to individuals who can demonstrate appropriate qualifications and proficiency gained after relevant professional experience.

The route by which you can apply will depend on whether you are a first-time applicant to the register or if have previously been a SENR Graduate registrant.

Once you are registered, you are required to renew your registration every five years. Find out more here.

Applying for practitioner status

If you are a dietitian

If you are a HCPC-registered dietitian, your route to applying for practitioner status is outlined here.

If you are a previous SENR Graduate registrant

If you have previously been on the SENR Register there is no need to resubmit your proof of qualifications.

If you are a first-time applicant to the SENR Register

We need to ensure you meet the correct qualifications before you book your place on a SENR Portfolio Workshop. If you haven't already, create an account for the BDA website as a non-member.

Applicants graduating from an SENR-accredited course

This process is more straightforward if you have completed a SENR-accredited course.

Applicants graduating from a non-SENR-accredited course

You can still apply for SENR Practitioner registration if you have completed qualifications that are non-SENR-accredited. You will need to provide us with additional evidence to help the assessor panel determine how well your qualifications meet the competency requirements.