The BDA responds to the NHS 10-Year Plan

6 December 2024
by Lindsey Marston

A key priority of the Department of Health and Social Care under Wes Streeting is the NHS 10-Year Plan. No doubt most of you have heard about this in some manner over the past month. The plan outlines a comprehensive strategy to transform healthcare delivery in the UK. This strategy is centred around three key shifts:

  • Moving care from the hospital to the community
  • Moving services from analogue to digital
  • Moving from treatment to prevention

In late October the Change NHS team launched a consultation for this plan that engaged with the public and organisations in a way unlike previous governments; intending to keep transparency in their process at all times.

The consultation closed on Monday 2 December, with the BDA and multiple specialist groups having submitted a response. The BDA would like to thank all of those who responded with a submission and to those who engaged and provided vital knowledge that informed our response.

As a dietetic organisation, we are committed to supporting the goals of the NHS 10-year plan and have provided a detailed response to the plan below, highlighting the critical role of dietetics in achieving these objectives.

The BDA response took a comprehensive approach to how the dietetic profession is invaluable in this work by showcasing our vital work in prevention, at both a public health and prevention of condition progression level. We also advocated for significant workforce expansion and retention highlighting our expertise, cost efficiency and saving that true investment can yield, and the need for specific policy ideas; including AHP leadership positions across all Integrated Care System boards.

Prevention is a cornerstone of the NHS 10-Year Plan, aiming to reduce the incidence of chronic diseases and improve overall public health. Our response highlighted that by helping individuals make informed dietary choices, dietitians can prevent obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and other health conditions.

Early intervention is also crucial; by identifying and addressing nutritional issues early, dietitians can prevent the progression of diseases and reduce the need for more intensive medical interventions.

The dietetic profession can significantly contribute to the cost savings envisioned in the NHS 10-Year Plan. Our response highlights how effective dietary interventions can lower the incidence of diet-related diseases, therefore decreasing the burden on healthcare services and reducing overall healthcare expenditures.

The BDA and specialist groups' collective effort in this consultation will build a strong and ubiquitous dietetic voice within a large number of organisation response. You can find our detailed response at the bottom of this page.

We encourage all members to stay informed about upcoming events, engagement opportunities, and reflections on the consultation results and their implications provided by your team at the BDA. Your active participation is crucial in shaping the future of healthcare and ensuring that the dietetic profession continues to make a meaningful impact.

Together, we can support the NHS in delivering a healthier future for all.

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