The BDA is calling on all members to see how they can provide practice-based learning (PBL) opportunities for learner dietitians.
Practice-based learning (placements) is defined as “the period(s) of study and activities undertaken by learners as a formal element of their dietetic pre-registration training while in the practice-based learning environment.
This allows learners to apply and practise their newly acquired knowledge and skills in a safe environment”. (BDA Curriculum Framework 2020). PBL should reflect the breadth and diversity of the working environments of entry-level dietitians. It can usually range from two weeks upwards and can occur at different stages of a programme or apprenticeship. Variety in settings can offer a great PBL experience.
Future-proofing our workforce of dietitians should be a top priority for all of us, and PBL is a key part of building our workforce. We are currently in a precarious position. There is a huge cohort of learners (students) who, as part of their degree or apprenticeship, are required to complete PBL. However, there are often not enough opportunities for them to complete this, and insufficient PBL opportunities pose a potential threat to dietetic courses. This will reduce the number of dietitians and increase the number of vacant posts. This is against a backdrop where the profession is being asked to grow significantly to meet the demands of service users.
The effect of reduced numbers of dietitians will add further pressure to services that are already stretched and will impact on staff morale, service user experience and the quality of nutritional care provided in the UK.
As a profession, we must step up to support our workforce of the future at this critical time, particularly as the supply pipeline is continuing to grow as new programmes and apprenticeships come on board.
The BDA supports the premise and expectation that all members of the dietetic profession, at all levels of the career framework, should support and collaborate with higher education institutes (HEIs) to explore PBL opportunities, contributing in ways commensurate with their qualifications and experience and after undertaking relevant training.
The BDA Learning Zone offers practice educator online training applicable to all areas of dietetics, which is in addition to the training provided by your local HEI. The HCPC Standards of Proficiency, 8.11, states that registrants should “promote and engage in the learning of others”. The most significant way you can demonstrate this is through participation in learner training.
We continue to be dedicated to helping you deliver an increased volume of PBL opportunities across a variety of settings. Our practice-based learning webpages provide a wealth of information showcasing different models of practice-based learning delivery, and guidance on how to create PBL opportunities. The key message is that one size does not fit all in terms of supervision, and there are opportunities for innovation. In addition, we are working hard behind the scenes to transform the burden of paperwork via the creation of a dietetic common assessment tool, which it is hoped will assist in creating capacity.
Developing learners can be extremely rewarding and satisfying. It is also a great opportunity for you, as individuals, to develop leadership and management skills, which can be reflected in your CPD portfolio. Learners you welcome into your teams for PBL can be an extremely helpful part of the workforce and it can lead to employment opportunities upon graduation.
Learner dietitians are our future. Developing our workforce is the top priority to ensure good nutritional care for all. To secure the dietetic profession, we are asking you all to step up. Your profession needs you! For those working in the NHS, research, public health, industry, third sector and other dietetic settings, training dietitians of the future is a responsibility for us all, and we all must take part. Please do your bit, and remember – you were a learner once, too. Let’s future-proof our workforce!
We wish to extend our sincere thanks to those who are already involved in PBL delivery. If you’ve never been involved before, now is your chance! There is plenty of support and guidance on hand to help you through the process.