Chocolate Surprise Cupcakes

1 November 2023

These cupcakes are very quick to make as the blender really cuts down the effort involved. The cupcakes are moist and do not taste of beetroot at all – adding in the vegetable cuts down the amount of sugar you need.


150g self-raising flour
1 x 5ml spoon baking powder
1 x 15ml spoon cocoa powder
50g light soft brown sugar
100g cooked beetroot
1 egg
125ml semi-skimmed milk
50ml vegetable oil

50g reduced-fat cream cheese
25g icing sugar


Weighing scales
12-hole bun tin
Bun cases x 12
Large mixing bowl
Measuring spoons
Measuring jug
Oven gloves
Pan stand
Wire rack
Medium mixing bowl
Wooden spoon
Table knife


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/160°C fan or gas mark 4. Place the bun cases in a bun tin.
  2. Sieve the flour, baking powder and cocoa powder into a large mixing bowl.
  3. Add the sugar.
  4. Put the beetroot, egg, milk and oil into the blender and whizz until smooth.
  5. Pour the liquid into the dry ingredients and combine using a metal spoon or spatula until you can’t see the dry ingredients. Do not over mix.
  6. Spoon into the bun cases.
  7. Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes or until they have risen and are springy when pressed.
  8. Cool on a wire rack.
  9. Put the cream cheese into a medium mixing bowl and cream with a wooden spoon.
  10. Sieve the icing sugar into the bowl and mix carefully with the cream cheese. Beat well until fluffy.
  11. Spread the cream cheese topping onto the cooled buns.

Skills used include:
Weighing, measuring, sifting, mixing/combining, blending, spreading and baking.

Top Tips

  • Keep the wet and dry ingredients apart until the end, do not be tempted to put all of the mixture into the blender.
  • Make sure you use cooked beetroot, not pickled beetroot.

Something to try next time

  • Try swapping the beetroot for 100g of grated courgette or carrot.
  • You can make a chocolate frosting by adding 1 x5ml spoon of cocoa powder to the cream cheese at the same time as the icing sugar.

Prepare now, eat later

  • Make the cream cheese topping the day before and store in a sealed plastic bag or container in the fridge for up to 24 hours.
  • These are best eaten fresh but if you want to freeze them when they are cold, pack into a plastic container and freeze for up to 1 month. Defrost them on a serving dish and put the cream cheese topping on just before serving.