Celebrating over a decade of partnership

15 November 2023
by Emma Lanza

Nutricia has been a BDA corporate member since 2011. BDA corporate members are organisations that strategically work with the BDA and recognise the importance of supporting the dietetic profession.

Nutricia supports dietitians in a number of ways, through sponsoring events, campaigns, providing educational resources, or listening to dietitians' voices. 

Lauren Weston-Simons, Senior Medical Affairs Manager at Nutricia said, “Nutricia recognises that dietitians are not only experts in nutrition, but they are also experts in their patients and clients, and we truly value this expertise. It is due to the outstanding knowledge and experience of dietitians who work with Nutricia that we can share best in class health care professional education through Nutricia Academy.” 

Partnering with Nutricia has provided members with the opportunity to share their views, input into discussions, and influence the development of products, and resources and ultimately have a say in the areas that matter to them. 

Nutricia has run over eight roundtables directly with the BDA, involving more than 60 members. Some particular focus areas that Nutricia have explored include understanding sector changes around prescribing, the impact of Covid, exploring  plant based nutrition and the impact of approaches around ONS. 

“Thanks for a lovely day. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting other dietitians to discuss some of the burning issues in community enteral feeding.” - BDA member, roundtable participant.

Lauren added, “At Nutricia we collaborate with dietitians every step of the way, we welcome new product ideas and improvements to our existing products. The invaluable research that dietitians do, ensures that all of our products have a substantial and robust evidence base. They also help us  keep up-to-date with the latest clinical and scientific trends.” 

Nutricia has also supported a number of BDA events across the years, including sponsorship of the historic BDA Live and BDA vision, and in recent years they have supported BDA student tours and provided educational resources for health care professionals. They have also run free educational events such as their recent Nutricia Annual Congress and provided research grants to dietitians. 

Image description: Nutricia at BDA Live 2013, BDA Live 2016 and the  PENG Study Day 2022

The Future

Looking ahead, the BDA is developing an ambitious strategy for 2024 and beyond, through Nutricia’s corporate membership we will continue to explore the role they play in helping the BDA achieve its aims and the delivery of our Strategic Plan

Lauren concluded, “And now as we look to the future of our partnership, our strategies interlink and overlap and we hope that together we can drive more sustainable patient-centred products and practices in medical nutrition, along with emerging and relevant education for health care professionals.” 

Each partnership is managed through our ‘Guidelines for working with commercial companies’ process. Working with industry partners allows dietitians to have a seat at the table to exert influence on the future of food and medical nutrition practices and products. 

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