BDA Heart Unions 2024 – Let’s Get Organised

12 Feb 2024

Let's Get Organised

Welcome to Heart Unions Week 2024! Our theme this year is around organising your workplace.

We have already seen what can happen when a workplace with BDA Trade Union members is organised in Northern Ireland: an unprecedented round of strike ballots in 2023 followed by strike action in January 2024. This action alongside that of fellow trade union members is already starting to show its positive impact.

Workplace mapping involves our Reps speaking to their colleagues and making sure we have up to date info on the membership. It’s about establishing a dialogue between reps and members. So what subjects are they likely to talk about? They may raise the member benefits of the BDA, or they can highlight the benefits of union membership more generally, but ultimately Reps are likely to discuss their own experience of being a BDA Trade Union member. This is also a great time to for members to update their details with the BDA.

Our Reps have been sent resources to get their workplace mapping underway and we will be continuing to send resources to assist our reps throughout their time in the position.

So, if you have a rep in your workplace it’s likely over the coming weeks and months that they may be approaching you to have a chat about your membership. No rep in your workplace? Well now is the time to get involved and put yourself forward! You can find out more about the role of a rep but you can also get in touch via email at [email protected].

There’s never been a better time to get organised.