Primary care

Key to the success in managing future healthcare demands is the recognition that a major expansion of the Primary Care workforce is needed. Across the UK, there is recognition that developing multi-professional general practice teams can both bridge the workforce gaps that exist and supplement, but not replace, the role of the GP. 

Dietitians working as core members of the Primary Care General Practice team is an emerging area within the NHS and the four nations are at varying stages in this journey. Dietitians have a vital role in delivering care and treatment across the life course. Positioning them in Primary Care, at the start of a patient's journey, allows a focus on prevention and ensures patients are seen by the right healthcare professional in their local community. 

Considering a dietitian for Primary Care?

Registered Dietitians are the only qualified health professionals that assess, diagnose and treat dietary and nutritional problems at an individual and wider public health level. Find out more about the impact Dietitians can have on your team.

Working in Primary Care?

Primary Care services provide the first point of contact in the healthcare system, acting as the ‘front door’ of the NHS. Primary care includes general practice, community pharmacy, dental, and optometry (eye health) services. 

Are you seeing a dietitian?

Dietitians are the only qualified and regulated health professionals with the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) that assess, diagnose and treat diet and nutritional problems for both individuals and the wider public.