Wellbeing & Resilience

The wellbeing of learners on Practice-based Learning is central to ensure they are successful in both their Practice-based Learning and wider studies.

The below resources have been developed for both learners and those supporting learners on Practice-based Learning.

Jump to our wellbeing resources for learners section.

Supporting learners

Supporting learners with additional needs

Learners may require adjustments for a variety of reasons relating to their health and wellbeing.

Learners who disclose the need for adjustments in a timely manner often have support from their Higher Education Institute (university) tutor and the Higher Education Institutes own occupational health advisors in considering what reasonable adjustments they may require for their practice Practice-based Learning (placements). The university may also seek discussion with Practice-based Learning providers to ensure adjustment requests are feasible. It is useful in these circumstances to have a written document outlining the adjustments required to ensure expectations are met. 

You may also find it helpful as practice educators to look at this guide for supporting learners on clinical Practice-based Learning who have been identified as having an additional learning needs. There is also a helpful guide to practice-based learing for neurodivergant students.

Other Useful resources:

Dyslexia Resources:

British Dyslexia Association

RCN: Dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia

University of Southampton: Supporting dyslexic learners on Practice-based Learning

CSP: Dyslexia resources

Learner wellbeing and resilience

Learner placements can be a very stressful time and learners will often seek support from their peers, but they should also receive support from their educators.

What can we do to help learners on Practice-based Learning?

  • Encourage peer support whilst on Practice-based Learning. If you only take one learner at a time, consider linking with a nearby educator to put two or more dietetic learners in touch with each other, or create a support forum with other learners from a different profession in your environment
  • Encourage learners to reflect at regular intervals.  There are plenty of reflection models available such as Gibbs (1988) or Rolfe et al (2001).  Their reflection may be written, recorded, thinking whilst out for a walk at the end of a day etc
  • Encourage learners to use the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP tool), to self-assess and be mindful of their own resilience.
  • Make sure your learner has an allocated mentor/buddy and schedule weekly meetings as part of the timetable.  Ensure the mentor/buddy knows what their roles and responsibilities are.
  • Talk about any concerns as soon as they are noticed. Ensure the learner knows they can access support through their HEI wellbeing service and involve their tutor if appropriate
  • Encourage the learner to use a mindfulness app such as Headspace or MyLife
  • Reassure the learner to see their strengths and accomplishments
  • Encourage the learner to get adequate sleep, take regular breaks, adequate nutrition and hydration, stay physically active



Supporting AHP Learners - elearning for healthcare

NHS Leadership academy What is resilience – Leadership Academy

Wellbeing resources for learners

Online resources

Developing resilience - tips - Mind

Developing resilience as a learner - HCPC guide to resilience

Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) - online tool

Protecting your mental health on Practice-based Learning - BDA article by third year dietetic learner Zunaira Awais on her mental health struggles during placement and how she prioritised her wellbeing.


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Mind Infoline - 0300 123 3393