Introduction to Parenteral Nutrition

This course will be suitable for non-specialist dietitians, band 5 dietitians or new in role band 6 who wish to increase their knowledge.


To increase knowledge and skills in the management of adult patients requiring parenteral nutrition for short-term or Type 1 Intestinal Failure).  To understand the role of the Dietitian in the management of PN.

Learning Outcome

By the end of the course, delegates will:

  • Define the term parenteral nutrition and state the indications for use in type 1 intestinal failure
  • State the common access routes for parenteral nutrition and the advantages and disadvantages of routes/catheters available
  • State the method of estimating energy, nitrogen, fluid, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphate requirements for parenteral nutrition
  • State the advantages and disadvantages of standard and compounded regimens
  • Select an appropriate parenteral nutrition regimen
  • State the appropriate monitoring parameters for parenteral nutrition
  • State the complications of parenteral nutrition and how these are managed
  • State the methods of weaning a patient from parenteral nutrition onto enteral and/or oral nutrition

Delegates are suggested to consider examples of clinical cases/experiences to discuss with others at the course

Register your interest

There are currently no confirmed dates for this course, but if you would like to receive a notification when a date is available please fill in the form below and we will be in touch.