This course is intended for dietitians who have some experience in health promotion and/or workplace health interventions and is being run to accredit a group of BDA members as “BDA Work Ready” dietitians which will allow access to the full range of resources and use of a logo on publicity materials
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the one day course you will be able to:
- Recognise the aims and scope of the BDA Work Ready Programme
- Identify how the programme sits within other workplace health initiatives
- Appraise the evidence base on effective nutrition interventions covered in the BDA White Paper
- Define the key messaging of the BDA Work Ready Programme
- Understand how to use the tools of the programme
- Identify existing BDA resources which may be useful in delivery of the programme
- Adapt workshop sessions for different client groups and settings
- Assess key barriers and enablers to the implementation of the BDA Work Ready Programme
- Identify the value and techniques in evaluating outcomes
- Explain the Nutrition Assessment Tools and how the BDA Work Ready process will work
- Ask questions and discuss aspects of BDA Work Ready Programme
- Virtually “meet” other BDA Work Ready dietitians for networking and sharing of ideas
Upcoming dates