Policy and Position Statements

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The BDA is the leading organisation in nutrition and dietetics in the UK. Our expert members develop policy in a range of fields including health, nutrition and clinical practice. These evidence-based and referenced policy and position statements are available to policy makers, the public, media and BDA members to clearly articulate the BDA’s position on a range of important topics, and the changes we believe are needed.

Position statements reflect a view on a specific subject, while our policy statements include specific calls to action for either the Association or others. 

New statements are under development and all are subject to regular review.

If you are a BDA member interested in contributing to our policy development or have an idea of an area of policy on which you think the BDA needs to develop a position, find out more about how you can get involved

Current Policy and Position Statements

Dietitian supporting Foodbank.jpg

Food Poverty

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