Other campaigns

Managing and Preventing Obesity

BDA's efforts to influence changes to policy to help reduce and prevent obesity in adults and children.


Malnutrition affects millions of people, especially the elderly, and dietitians play a crucial role in preventing it and aiding recovery.

Food poverty and insecurity

The BDA believes that nobody in the UK should go without the food they need due to poverty, lack of access or support.

One Blue Dot - Sustainable Diets

One Blue Dot is the BDA's sustainable eating and nutrition toolkit, designed to help dietitians understand and communicate the science around food and sustainability.

BDA Work Ready

Work Ready is the BDA's programme to promote better workplace health and wellbeing through better nutrition.

Influencing the NHS England Long Term Plan

The NHS England Long Term Plan sets out the future of the NHS in England for the next 10 years, including the creation of Integrated Care Systems

Primary care

Dietitians have a critical role to play in supporting primary care services, allowing a focus on prevention and ensuring service users are seen by the right healthcare professional in their local community.

Dietetic Workforce Development Programme

The BDA has been successful in securing funding from Health Education England for a number of exciting projects over the next year. These are underway, and we’re now pleased to share with you the key focus areas for the BDA team for the next 12-18 months.