My groups & branch

Listed below are any of the BDA specialist groups and sub groups you have joined, alongside your local BDA branch.

Your groups

You can access the latest specialist resources, information and updates, and see upcoming group events via your groups, which are listed below. If you've not yet joined any of our specialist groups, you can find out more and join for as little as £15 per year.

Your branch

Access excellent low cost CPD and networking with other dietetic professionals in your local area. You can choose your local BDA branch based on your home or work location, and update this in your My BDA update details area.

Many groups and branches send regular newsletters to their members, with the latest news, resources and events that are relevant to you. If you aren't receiving these, please check your contact preferences. If these look correct, please contact us.

0 groups available

There are no groups matching the criteria found.