How to get involved

As a student member your voice really matters to us. You are the future of dietetics! We would love for you to get involved with BDA activities and projects. Here are a number of ways you can become an active member:

1. Volunteer with our specialist groups and branches

Each of our groups and branches consist of committees that lead the way the group is managed, we often have student member roles on these committees. The latest opportunities can be found here.

2. Get involved with public affairs and policy

Our Public Affairs and Policy Team are extremely active in campaigning for the current government to have healthcare at the top of their agenda. You can get involved in a whole range of activities, for example, by joining our rallies or writing to your local MP. Visit our campaigns to see what we are doing. 

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3. Write a blog or article

We encourage members to write blogs/articles around their various areas of dietetic expertise, or any other topics you would like to share with member. You could share experiences of a recent practice-based learning (placement) or share advice around revision or exams. If you would like to submit your article, please email [email protected]. You can also write for Dietetics Today, our monthly magazine - get in touch with [email protected].

4. Take part in promoting our profession

Our biggest annual promotional campaign is Dietitians Week, which takes place every summer, but we run a number of campaigns each year that we often ask for your support on, whether this is sharing posts across social, creating videos, or just highlighting the work we are doing to your peers.

5. Post a topic on our student discussion forum

Being a BDA student member means you'll have access to the 1200+ dietetic student community and we want you to feel connected with other students, regardless of where you are studying. Connect with others online, by asking questions and sharing your thoughts by accessing the student forum.