Have your circumstances changed?

To support our members as best we can throughout the different stages of your varied dietetic careers, we've developed heavily subsidised membership options for existing full and associate members who have been BDA members for more than 12 months, to transfer onto should their circumstances change.

  1. Non Practising Category
  2. Parental Leave Category
  3. Retired Category

Please read the criteria for your circumstances carefully and ensure you meet the eligibility declared before applying to move onto any of these categories.


At the time of registering with the HCPC, dietitians tick to confirm that they either;

  • have a Professional Indemnity Insurance arrangement in place which provides appropriate cover to practice or
  • that they are not practising at the time of the HCPC renewal, but understand the requirement to have a professional indemnity arrangement in place which provides appropriate cover, and will ensure this is in place when they next practice.

Changing your membership

Options to move onto

Direct Debit (12 monthly instalments)

Direct Debit (1 payment)

Credit / Debit Card

Parental Leave rate

£14.30 (£171.56 in total)



Parental Leave Rate (Associate members Band 4 < )

£5.02 (£60.19 in total) £57.27 £60.62

Parental Leave Rate (Associate members Band 5 > )

£7.02 (£84.30 in total) £84.30 £91.27

Non Practising UK

£10.04 (£120.51 in total)



Non Practising Overseas

£15.61 (£187.27 in total)



Retired UK

£10.04 (£120.51 in total)



Retired Overseas

£15.61 (£187.27 in total)



1. Non-Practising Category - Are you no longer practising?

If you are taking a break from working in nutrition and dietetics, this category enables existing full members to retain BDA membership and keep up-to-date with current information.

This category does not include Professional Indemnity Insurance or Trade Union support. If you do return to any dietetic practice, it is your legal obligation to inform us of your return and ensure you are reinstated as a full member immediately, as the HCPC states a dietitian is legally obliged to have adequate Professional Indemnity Insurance in place to practise.


IMPORTANT: By applying for this category you are declaring:

  • I confirm I am not practising as a Registered Dietitian.
  • I will not be undertaking any paid dietetic employment of any kind nor receiving maternity pay whilst paying the reduced rate for Non-Practising Members.
  • I understand that my subscription will not include Professional Indemnity Insurance nor Trade Union support and cover. I understand I must inform the BDA of my return to work in order to reinstate my full membership immediately.

2. Parental Leave Rate 

In order to support you fully whilst taking maternity, parental or adoption leave, the BDA offers existing full members a 50% reduced ‘Parental Leave Rate’ for a maximum of 12 months.

After 12 months we will automatically renew your full membership. If you return to work earlier, you will need to advise us as soon as you have agreed this date with your employer. We require at least six weeks’ notice to arrange the change of category and payments. You will then begin a new annual full membership from the starting date.

This rate allows you to maintain your BDA membership with all of the same benefits as full membership, and importantly ensures you:

  • are covered with mandatory Professional Indemnity Insurance for your keeping-in-touch days (whatever form those days may take), when you return to work and when you re-register with the HCPC every two years
  • have vital Trade Union support for any employment challenges which may occur during your leave period, such as restructures, redundancies, sickness and right to return
  • remain in the BDA community and especially maintain currency of practice during maternity, parental, or adoption leave


IMPORTANT: By applying for this category you are declaring:

  • I confirm I am/will be taking parental leave and not practising as a Registered Dietitian.
  • I understand my obligation to inform the BDA of my return to work date (at least six weeks’ notice), so my full membership can resume in line with when I commence work.

3. Retired Category - Are you retiring from the profession? 

This category applies if you are an existing full member no longer registered with the HCPC and no longer intend to work, but wish to retain BDA membership and keep up-to-date with current dietetic news and professional information.

Retired members will not receive BDA Professional Indemnity Insurance or Trade Union support as they will not be practising.


IMPORTANT: By applying for this category you are declaring:

  • I confirm I am now retired from being a Registered Dietitian.
  • I understand that my subscription will not include Professional Indemnity Insurance nor Trade Union support and cover.
  • I understand I must inform the BDA of any plans to leave retirement and return to practice in order to reinstate my full membership immediately for mandatory professional indemnity insurance.