Reclaim tax on your Subscription Fees

BDA members are eligible to reclaim tax on BDA professional subscription fees, for a period of up to four years. This includes both your BDA annual membership and any of your BDA Specialist Group (or sub group) memberships. There are no tax reclaim forms, it is sufficient for members to enter their BDA subscription on their tax returns under 'Professional Fees and Subscriptions'. Self Assessment Tax Returns are available from your own local Tax Office. Read on to find out more, and we've added previous subscription fees to help you below.

Should you require a letter to send to the tax office, please find a template for use here.

Previous Subscription Fees

Please Note; the below are the annual BDA subscription fee amounts for members paying by single Direct Debit, however the prices differ slightly for Direct Debit monthly, and card payments, therefore we recommend you double check your bank statements before completing a tax reclaim to ensure you enter your actual payment amounts. Please get in touch if you have any questions [email protected]

Membership Categories: 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23  2023/24 2024/25

Full Member






Associate Member Band 5 or above






Associate Member Band 4 or below






Affiliate Member






Alliance Member






Non-Practising Member 






Retired Member






Parental Leave Rate






Please Note: The above pricing refers to the Direct Debit one-off single payment cost.

Helping you reclaim

All earnings not included under PAYE need to be reported to the HMRC after the end of the tax year. If you do not complete a tax return then you should inform your local tax office (or the one which deals with your PAYE) of any earnings, which you have received, such as an honorarium or for lectures or consulting private patients. The tax office may send you a form P610 or a tax return to complete by 30 September or they may decide the amount is too small to take any further.

Gifts received in exchange for providing a service do not need to be declared unless they are received from your employer. Money cannot be classified as a gift and must be declared, whereas a plant or wine can be counted as a gift. It is worth noting that if you are organising an event and paying money to a speaker or helper then this payment cannot be classified as a gift. However, it is the responsibility of the recipient to declare the payment to the Inland Revenue.