Events and staff wellbeing activities

We will enrich your events with food demos, health and nutrition check-ups, competitions and fact sheets. 

Health fairs

Work Ready dietitians can attend your health fairs and wellbeing away days. They will do one-to-one consultations and give out tailored factsheets.

Consultations include, a health and nutrition assessment, goal setting and development of food plans. 

Factsheets are adapted for your work environment. They help delegates identify and embed small changes for wellbeing.

Dietitians can collect anonymised employee data to show any health trends and concerns. They will use this to help you improve your employees' health and wellbeing.

hydration stand


Promoting a healthy lifestyle through workshops across a number of sites or sessions. We will plan the events to suit your organisations’ needs. Roadshows can include:

  • workshops
  • food demos
  • review of food provisions
  • employee support sessions
  • health fairs
  • personal health and wellness checks
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Virtual food demos

Food demonstrations let us share healthy and exciting ways to get your daily dose of nutrients.

We have seen employees change their eating and snacking habits after attending a food demo. They tell us they are still making some recipes years later! We show how to make healthier meals and snacks in minutes using minimal equipment.

Work Ready dietitian Sophie Classens, who gave a demonstration at the BBC Good Food Show, said: ‘I chose 3 recipes using energising wholegrain oatcakes with satisfying delicious toppings. I wanted to show how eating slow-release, wholegrain carbohydrate prevents hunger and low mood – or being ‘hangry’!’

Food demonstrations are now available online. Organisations need to host sessions through their own video conferencing software.

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Book now

Fill out the form below and a member of the Work Ready team will be in touch.