Type of session

In person
Home visit

Talia Cecchele

Company name:
Talia Cecchele Nutrition
Contact address:
London United Kingdom

Talia Cecchele is a registered dietitian specialising in eating disorders and disordered eating. She has over 12 years of clinical experience and is the principal dietitian and founder of Talia Cecchele Nutrition, a virtual clinic with a team of registered dietitians specialising in eating disorders and disordered eating.

At TCN, the team supports people from 16+ years through 1:1 consultations and group programs to bring balance back to nutrition, break free from food rules and find food freedom. Talia and her team work by incorporating a compassion-led, non-diet approach and Health At Every Size (HAES) framework. Check out our website for more details about consultations and free resources. We look forward to supporting you!