Hosted by Prescribers Specialist Sub-Group
Join the first event as a brand-new Prescribing sub-group. The 1 hour FREE webinar will consist include presentations from the trailblazers of Non-medical prescribing (supplementary) for dietitians, Dr Alison Culkin, Chair, Dr Nicky Wyer (RKB) Consultant Dietitian - Intestinal Failure, University Hospital Coventry Wallsgrave NHS Trust and Laura Triano, Committee Member. This will be followed by a Q&A session with the committee.
We invite you to register for this event where you will be able to submit any questions that you may have about anything relating to prescribing for dietitians and we can answer these in the Q&A.
The past, present and future of Dietetic prescribing with Dr Alison Culkin, Chair, Prescribers Specialist Sub-Group.
Alison’s talk will include the remit of the new prescribers sub group & what is required for dietitian’s to transition from supplementary to independent prescribing.
Alison is a Consultant Dietitian at St Mark’s hospital, London which is a national reference centre for severe intestinal failure. She is a member of the nutrition team initiating and monitoring patients requiring home parenteral nutrition (HPN). She completed her PhD in 2010 investigating the manipulation of glutamine and taurine in HPN on patient outcomes as well as patient knowledge and behaviour change. In addition, she investigated the immune status of patients on HPN specifically their dendritic cell and gut homing lymphocyte function. She has published chapters for textbooks, papers and abstracts and lectures nationally and internationally. She is the course lead for the PENG clinical update course and represents dietitians on the British Intestinal failure Alliance (BIFA) of BAPEN and previously the ESPEN education and clinical practice committee. In 2017 she became the first dietitian to qualify as a non-medical prescriber and received the Ibex award from the BDA.
Is supplementary prescribing advanced practice? with Dr Nicky Wyer (RKB) Consultant Dietitian - Intestinal Failure, University Hospital Coventry Wallsgrave NHS Trust
Nicky will talk about how advanced practice is defined and the benefits & challenges of supplementary prescribing for advanced practice Dietitians.
Developing dietetic supplementary prescribing practice in Community Dietetics with Laura Troiano, Committee Member
Laura will be giving an insight into what everyone wants to know about real world prescribing, including the process for implementing SP in primary care, writing a CMP, and case studies.
Laura is Community Clinical Lead and Prescribing Support Dietitian for NHS Forth Valley. She has been a dietitian for 20 years and was one of the first Scottish dietitians to gain access to a Non-Medical Prescribing course in 2018. Her clinical areas of interest are GI, especially supporting IBD patients with functional symptoms, and working alongside pharmacy to support prescribing efficiencies and formulary development within out board. Laura is very passionate in promoting prescribing with the dietetic profession and supporting our progress to independent prescribing status.
She is currently co-chair of the Scottish Dietetic IBD group, chair the Scottish Dietetic NMP Network and sits as a committee member on the Association of Prescribers. Since moving to Forth Valley Laura has supported six dietitians to train as prescribers by taking on the Practice Supervisor role under the DPP framework.
Free to attend for ALL BDA Members
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