PENG Annual Study Day - Celebrating 40 years

Hosted by Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition Specialist Group

This year PENG turns 40!

To celebrate our 40th birthday, the annual PENG study day this year will be two days on Thursday 26 September and Friday 27 September 2024 and will be hosted in Liverpool. 

Our study day is a unique collaboration of five BDA specialist groups and the expert speakers will present a range of topics including;

  • Enteral & parenteral nutrition support in pregnancy
  • Celebrating excellence in nutrition support
  • The transition from paediatrics to adult care
  • The surgical oncology patient

What's on when?

Thursday 26 September 2024

  • Enteral & parenteral nutrition support in pregnancy 
    A collaboration with the BDA Maternity & Fertility Specialist Group 
  • Celebrating excellence in nutrition support
    Awards for recognition of Ann Micklewright & Vera Todorovic awarded to dietitians working in nutrition support across the four pillars.  To apply for the awards, please keep an eye on our social media.

Friday 27 September 2024

  • The transition from paediatrics to adult care
    A collaboration with the BDA Paediatric Specialist Group 
  • The surgical oncology patient
    A collaboration with the BDA Oncology Specialist Group & BDA Critical Care Specialist Group


Below prices are the early bird prices which will increase to the amount shown in brackets on 19th July 2024.

PENG, Maternal and Fertility, Oncology, Paediatric and Critical Care Specialist Group Members

  • £50 attend both days  (£70 from 19th July 2024)
  • £30 for single day (£40 from 19th July 2024)

BDA members

  • £80 attend both days (£100 from 19th July 2024)
  • £50 for single day (£60 from 19th July 2024)

Non BDA member

  • £120 attend both days  (£140 from 19th July 2024)
  • £70 for single day (£80 from 19th July 2024))

To celebrate PENG 40th birthday we will be hosting a social event for all study day guests after the study day on Thursday 26th September in Liverpool. Tickets for this event are £25 and include food. There are a limited number of tickets, to secure your place please add on at the time of booking or to add on email [email protected].


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