Oncology Specialist Group - Head and Neck Sub-Group – Q&A and networking session

Hosted by the Head and Neck sub group committee

We invite you to register for this event where you will be able to submit any questions that you may have about anything relating to prescribing for dietitians and we can answer these in the Q&A.

A webinar discussing topics selected by H&N sub-group members. The aim will be to cover 2-3 topics and the themes will be announced once member requests are in. There will be a chance to submit questions to the committee prior to and during the webinar.

The head and neck sub-group committee has representatives from healthcare and higher education. Committee members have been involved in GIRFT (getting it right first time) NHS England project, ENT-UK 6th edition MDT guidelines, advanced clinic practice, supplementary prescribing and a launch of a head and neck cookbook.

Below are the 3 topics which will be discussed during the webinar:-

  • Topic 1- Use of oral nutrition support whilst promoting oral health 
  • Topic 2- Enteral feeding provision findings from getting it right first time NHS England project 
  • Topic 3- Q&A with the H&N committee 

The webinar will be hosted on MS Teams.

Committee Members

Kirsty Clutterbuck, Krishna Kholia Parmer, Long Li, Rebekah Smith, Florence Cook, Helen Harrison and Mhairi Glancy


The webinar is free for Oncology specialist group members only.

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