Hosted by Obesity and Kidney Dietitian Specialist Groups
Join the groups for this interesting informative morning session.
About Rochelle - She has completed a MRes under an NIHR fellowship and an ICA pre-doctoral bridging scheme. Her areas of interest include obesity interventions and frailty with a specialist interest in weight management interventions for those living with kidney disease.
Lina was awarded her PhD in 2012. She regularly supervises dietitians (and other healthcare professionals) in the field of renal but also in other specialist areas. Her interest is focused on supporting people with renal disease with self-management and changing eating behaviours, including those with a kidney transplant. Lina has also contributed to national renal guidelines on supporting lifestyle in people with a transplant.
About Jacky - She have been working as a kidney dietitian at the Royal Free since 2010 and have experience across all modalities and stages of chronic kidney disease. For the past year, her focus has been on early-stage CKD in community led clinics, where the focus is preventing disease progression. The other part of her role and passion is addressing obesity in CKD. In conjunction with the MDT, she runs a weight management programme with GLP-1 agonist to help reduce patients living obesity lose weight to enable transplant listing.
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