Specialist Group New virtual study day

Neonatal Sub-Group - Virtual Study Day - Nurturing Caring Connections for Neonatal Dietitians

Hosted by Neonatal Sub-Group

The NDIG is excited to be hosting a virtual study day run by expert Neonatal Clinical Psychologists from The Relational Practice.  The session will be designed to support all Dietitians working in neonatal care and aims to:-

  • Reflect on and learn skills to navigate the challenges of working in neonatal care through experimental and interactive activities
  • Explore the relational context of work, how relationships can be a source of both stress and support and how they are central to effective dietetic work
  • Provide a connected space for the community of neonatal dietitians to develop a shared sense of what support they would benefit from in the future


Neonatal Sub-Group Members £50. 

We highly encourage payment to be made via card.

Not a member of the Neonatal Sub-Group - join the sub group for free as a Paediatric Specialist Group member.

Admin Code SLA