Mental Health Specialist Group - Trauma Informed Practice in Dietetics

Hosted by Mental Health Specialist Group

Those we are working with are statistically more likely to have lived through more traumatic experiences than the average person.  At times our processes, systems and organisations can lose sight of what people have lived through.  This session looks at how we might practice in a way that has the least chance of replaying previous adverse experiences while exploring how to proceed when we inevitably remind people of awful things in their history. 

The webinar will be hosted on MS Teams.


  • Mental Health Specialist Group Members Free
  • BDA Members £20
  • BDA Non-Members £25


Keir Harding, Clinical Lead, Beam Consultancy

Keir is an Occupational Therapist with over 25 years experience in mental health.  He is a Dialectical Behaviour Therapist, holds an MSc in 'Personality Disorder' and delivered the 2023 Casson Memorial Lecture.
Hollie Berrigan, Lived Experience Lead, Beam Consultancy
Hollie is an integrative councilor and lived experience practitioner who combines her lived experience of diagnosis and services with her clinical training to help others.  Hollie won the British and Irish Group for the Study of Personality Disorder Innovation Award in 2024 due to the success she has experienced in this unique role. 

Keir and Hollie work with people who recurrently self harm and feel suicidal.  They campaign against the use of self appointed "specialist" units and help individuals and organisations avoid long periods of hospitalisation.  They serve as officers on the British and Irish Group for the Study of Personality Disorder Executive Committee and are members of the Royal College of Psychiatrists Expert Reference Group for Personality Disorder.  They are the co-authors of the Chapter "Working with people with a diagnosis of personality disorder" in Occupational Therapy in Psychiatry and Mental Health published in August. 


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