Critical Care Specialist Group - Estimating essentials: a critical care conundrum - Annual Study Day

Hosted by Critical Care Specialist Group

This year the annual study day moves to Wales!

We will be covering all things requirements - from the evidence behind predictive equations to the science behind indirect calorimetry and successful business case examples.

We will be looking at how we assess our patients and which anthropometric measurements are best in our patient group and will also be providing updates on some of the work that the CCSG has done in the last year.

Join us in person for amazing networking opportunities and more.

  • Critical Care Specialist Group Member £75
  • BDA Member £100
  • Non Member £150 
  • BDA Student Member and Member of Critical Care Specialist Group £25

Important - Recordings will be emailed to all those who purchase tickets, these will not be available to purchase afterwards. Therefore please ensure you have bought your tickets prior to the event if you are planning on watching the recordings.

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