Basic Nutrition Principles & Advancing the Dietetic Support Workforce Practice in Paediatrics

Facilitator: Professor Fiona McCullough

This online course is designed to help lay the foundations of childhood nutrition (in healthy and sick children) which discusses the importance of growth, breastfeeding and early dietary practices; basic nutritional requirements and recommendations for all children; common nutritional issues; detecting nutritional risk and faltering growth; an overview of dietetic management in some common conditions.

Principles of nutrition support strategies are briefly outlined, from therapeutic diets to the range of condition-specific nutrition support products available, the various modes of enteral feeding and considerations of vegan and cultural dietary practices are also discussed. 

The course also aims to provide an opportunity to develop reflective practice skills, communication skills with different personnel, share best practice experiences in the world of dietetic support workers in paediatrics, and discuss ways in which services can be improved and developed.

The course is well suited to the dietetic support workforce new to paediatrics and to those wishing to refresh their knowledge, skills and build their network.

Full course content is available here


Boof before 1st March 2024

  • BDA Member £150
  • Non-Member £180

From 1st March 2024

  • BDA Member £160
  • Non-Member £190

Please note that you must register here to secure your place on this course, the BDA will not guarantee your place via purchase order numbers emailed to us.

The online registration must be completed and your purchase order number quoted on the online registration below.