BDA Booking Terms and Conditions

Booking terms and conditions for BDA events and courses  


By completing the booking, you agree to pay the advertised registration fee. All cancellations and changes must be received in writing to the relative department.

We advise that all delegates should have funding approved in advance of making an online booking.

BDA holds no responsibility for any loss of funds which occurred as a result of the event/course being cancelled/postponed or rearranged for any reason, including adverse weather.

Payment can be made via card (Visa and Mastercard) or invoice.

You may see a second step in your payment being processed, this is a authentication process your bank has requested to complete your online payment. This is not a step controlled by the BDA and if you have any queries please contact your bank directly.

Please note if you have chosen to pay via invoice, you will be emailed your invoice, invoices are NOT sent via post. It is the delegate's responsibility to provide the information for the invoice to be sent to the correct person/department for payment processing.

If you were unable to provide your invoicing details at the time of the booking, we ask to be in receipt of the below information within two weeks. If you are unable to provide the information by this date please provide an update. Failure to do so may result in your place being re-allocated.

  • Invoice Company Name
  • Invoice Contact Name
  • Invoice Address
  • Purchase Order
  • Invoice Email Address

For delegates who are self funding, the BDA reserves the right to suspend future bookings based on non payment for previous course attendance.

Classroom Courses

BDA will make every effort not to cancel courses. If, however, there are insufficient delegates registered on the programme, delegates already registered will be informed 14 days before the event that cancellation may be a possibility. They will then have the option to cancel their booking or hold the booking for a further seven days.

BDA has found that many places are booked within a few days of course delivery and thus wish to keep bookings open as long as possible, whilst being mindful that delegates will be keen to finalise arrangements for attendance.

If you are unable to attend the course:

More than 14 days’ notice - 90% refund/or transfer to another course.
Less than 14 days’ notice - non-refundable, a transfer to another course will be at the discretion of the BDA subject to circumstance and delegate numbers
No show on day of course - full charges apply course dates are non-transferrable.

All cancellations and changes must be received via email [email protected]

e-Learning Courses

On completion of the registration process, registrants will receive a confirmation email which contains an enrolement key, use of the enrolment key renders the course fee non-refundable.

All cancellations and changes must be received via email [email protected]

Specialist Group Events

Payment is due one month prior to the start date of the event.

You may substitute delegates at any time by providing reasonable advance notice to the BDA. However, your fee is non-transferable between BDA events/courses. Outstanding balances remain applicable in line with the scale below:

  • For any cancellations received 4 weeks prior to the event date 90% refund or if your balance is still outstanding a 10% admin charge is applicable
  • If you cancel less than 4 weeks prior no refunds can be issued.

For the 2024 Oncology Specialist Group Study Day Members of the Oncology Specialist Group can attend for free *Terms and Conditions - Oncology Specialist Group members attend for free - if you cancel your place (and the place can not be reallocated) or do not attend on the day a charge of £50.00 will be sent to you. Extenuating circumstances will be considered.

All cancellations and changes must be received via email to [email protected]

SENR Portfolio Training

Payment is due one month prior to the start date of the event.

SENR will make every effort not to cancel courses. If, however, there are insufficient delegates registered on the programme, delegates already registered will be informed 14 days before the event that cancellation may be a possibility.

The transfer of your place to another portfolio workshop are at the discretion of the SENR (subject to circumstance)

Outstanding balances remain applicable in line with the scale below:

  • For any cancellations received 4 weeks prior to the event date, 90% refund or if your balance is still outstanding a 10% admin charge is applicable.
  • If you cancel less than 4 weeks prior no refunds can be issued.

All cancellations and changes must be received via email to [email protected]

Research Symposium

Payment is due one month prior to the start date of the event.

You may substitute delegates at any time by providing reasonable advance notice to the BDA. However, your fee is non-transferable between BDA events/courses. Outstanding balances remain applicable in line with the scale below:

  • For any cancellations received 4 weeks prior to the event date 90% refund or if your balance is still outstanding a 10% admin charge is applicable*
  • If you cancel less than 4 weeks prior no refunds can be issued.

* If you have submitted an abstract and it is rejected your registration fee will be refunded, alternatively if you cancel your place after your abstract has gone through the reviewing process, BDA reserves the right to withhold/charge the registration fee.

All cancellations and changes must be received via email to [email protected]

Paediatric Modules

All places are allocated on a first come first served basis, with preference given to UK registered dietitians.

Upon receipt of your confirmation email, you are a confirmed delegate for this module and agree to pay the advertised registration fee. Payment is due two months prior to the start date of the course. BDA holds no responsibility for any loss of funds occurred (e.g. travel/accommodation) as a result of the event being cancelled/postponed or rearranged for any reason including adverse weather.

Substitution of delegates are subject to approval. The transfer of funds to another paediatric module course are at the discretion of the BDA (subject to circumstance).

Outstanding balances remain applicable in line with the scale below for bookings made on or after 1 January 2023.
  • For any cancellations received 12 weeks prior to the course start date a 10% admin charge is applicable
  • For any cancellations received between 11 and eight weeks prior to the course start date, you will receive a 75% refund or if your balance is still outstanding a 25% admin charge is applicable
  • For any cancellation received less than eight weeks prior to the course start date, no refunds can be issued or if your balance is still outstanding the full amount module fee is due

For delegates who have opted to attend for MSc credits, the above criteria apply with the addition of the following

Once registered with the University of Plymouth and post course work has been assigned, the deadline provided for the submission of the assignment must be met. The University have an extenuating circumstances policy for exceptional circumstance when these deadlines cannot be met. Further information available.

All cancellations and changes must be received via email to [email protected]

PENG Clinical Update Course

When your registration is complete you are a confirmed delegate for the PENG Clinical Update Course and agree to pay the advertised registration fee (for the January 2025 course payment is required by 6 January 2025)

I agree to the following

  • I have read the course information on the website, and agree to undertake the master’s level assessment, and pre course work.
  • My information can be stored on an electronic data base and utilised by the BDA Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Group in collaboration with Queen Margaret University
  • I have discussed the course information on the website and the time and resource implications for the course and assessments with my manager.
  • I am aware that I must complete my post course assessment by 2025 and that I will only be able to defer if I have extenuating circumstances (in line with QMU regulations e.g. medically certificated ill-health), written permission from my manager and agreement from the board of examiners at QMU

All requests to defer, cancel, make changes and/or substitutions must be received via email to [email protected]

Substitution or deferral of delegates are subject to approval. However, your fee is non-transferable between BDA events/courses. Substitution or deferral is not applicable to free place competition places. Outstanding balances remain applicable in line with the scale below.

  • For any cancellations/deferrals received 12 weeks prior to the course date a 10% admin charge will be applicable
  • For any cancellations received between 11 weeks prior to the course date and before pre-coursework is available) you will receive a 75% refund or if your balance is still outstanding a 25% admin charge is applicable
  • For any cancellation received after the pre-coursework has been circulated, no refunds can be issued or if your balance is still outstanding the full amount is due

The option to defer is only applicable before pre coursework has been circulated and if full payment or purchase order has been received at the point of deferral request (deferral will be honoured for the next edition of the course only- subject to completion of a full application form)

The option to defer once pre coursework has been circulated is only applicable with extenuating circumstances and is subject to approval by the course moderator at QMU. Full payment must have been received at the point of deferral request (deferral will be honoured for the next edition of the course only- subject to the completion of a full application form) The delegate is responsible for any change in price of the cost fee to be covered.

The substitution of any delegate is subject to the date that the request is received and the ability of the replacement delegate to fulfil the entry criteria. Any substitution requests made after the pre-course circulation date are subject to approval by the course moderator at QMU. Any deferred places are subject to paying an admin  fee.