SENR Endorsement and Accreditation Committee member

Endorsement and Accreditation Committee member (Practitioner S&EN)

The BDA invites applications for committee members for the above post to assist with the work of the Endorsement and Accreditation Committee.

Role of the Committee:

The Endorsement and Accreditation Committee shall:

  1. Hold delegated responsibility for the Endorsement and Accreditation of formal education in sports and exercise nutrition at undergraduate (Endorsement) and post-graduate (Accreditation) level
  2. Develop and implement processes for the Endorsement and Accreditation of education in sports and exercise nutrition receiving and approving reports from the existing Quality Standards Committee
  3. Maintain and provide quality assurance processes of SENR Endorsement and Accreditation of education, training and development.
  4. Develop quality assurance mechanisms delegated by the SENR Board.
  5. Report to the Board on the activity of the committee and any emerging themes or issues which the Board needs to be aware of.
  6. Undertake appropriate work as delegated by the Board.

There are a number of benefits to becoming a committee member including:

  • Continual Professional Development Committee membership offers the opportunity to develop valuable career-enhancing skills such as leadership, project management and negotiating.
  • Making new contacts – Committee Membership allows you to broaden your professional network, meeting new people who may become future colleagues or mentors.
  • Developing the profession – working as part of a committee team, you are leading and ensuring the provision of high standards in sports nutrition education and practice.

Person Specification:

  • Current member of the Sport and Exercise Nutrition Register (Practitioner)
  • Knowledge of the sports and exercise profession
  • Previous or current experience of working within the higher education sector (for Endorsement and Accreditation Committee only)
  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Ability to challenge constructively
  • Effective listening skills
  • Ability to formulate and articulate a reasoned argument.
  • An understanding of the elements of effective governance
  • Knowledge and understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion 
  • Previous committee membership

Period of Appointment for each Committee:

August 2024 – August 2027

Time Commitment:

Each committee will normally hold two teleconferences per year. Members may be asked to undertake work and make decisions outside of meetings, dependent on need. Administrative and advisory support is provided by the BDA. Please note, this is a voluntary role.

How to apply:

To apply, please send your CV and a letter of application (no more than 1 side of A4), explaining how and why you believe you meet the person specification and what you will add to the role of Committee Member. 

Applications must be returned by email to:

Elaine Buckley,

SENR Board Chair and BDA Non-Executive Director,

The British Dietetic Association.

Email address: [email protected]

Closing date for applications is: 5pm 9th August 2024