Northern Ireland Country Board Dietetic Support Worker (Associate)

The Role of a Board Member

The Northern Ireland Country Board supports the British Dietetic Association members based within Northern Ireland. The board consists of 1 Chair and 10 board members, including one Dietetic Support Worker (Associate).  

The Dietetic Support Worker (Associate) will be a full voting member of the Northern Ireland Country Board, taking a full and active role in Board discussions and decision making. They will represent the Support Worker/Associate workforce and help guide the Board on decision making particularly in relation to the support workforce.

It is also intended that the role of the Support Worker (Associate) on the Northern Ireland Country Board is a developmental one and may assist the individual with career development and progression through the experience gained.

Vacency Outline

Represents the Support Workforce at the Northern Ireland Country Board, providing a perspective on the role, the issues affecting members and contributes to discussions which could affect and benefit the support workforce.

Together with the rest of the Northern Ireland Country Board provides leadership to the profession, helping to ensure that the BDA supports and develops a growing and innovative healthcare profession.

Represents the Northern Ireland Country Board to the support workforce and externally at meetings or events.

Attend the Northern Ireland Country Board meetings in person where required and via teams when they are based remotely. There are usually four meetings per year with one or two of them being in-person. The Dietetic Support Worker will also be required spend some time on ad hoc matters such as emails, working groups and reading papers.

Term of Office

The Northern Ireland Country Board Dietetic Support Worker (Associate) is recruited for a period of 3 years with the opportunity to serve a maximum of two terms of office (upon application and re-appointment by the Board of Directors).


Please note this a voluntary role, however travel expenses for in-person meetings will be reimbursed.

How to Apply

Please click here for the Full Job Description. If you have any questions or would like an informal discussion on the role please contact Debbie McGugan Northern Ireland Country Board Chair on [email protected]

To apply, send your CV and a letter of application to [email protected]

The closing date for applications is 5pm on Friday 12 July 2024