Board of Directors

The BDA Board of Directors are made up of BDA members (just like you!) and non-members who are appointed to provide strategic leadership of the BDA.

BDA Board of Directors January 2023

Make-up and function of the Board of Directors

  • The Board agrees major policy, manages the Association’s finances and represents the membership.
  • The Board consists of no less than 12 directors, including a Chair, the Chair of TUNEC (Trade Union National Executive Committee), and members from across all four UK countries. A Treasurer and Vice Chair are appointed from within the Board. It also includes representation from the dietetic support workforce and a student member
  • The Chair must be a member of the Association and up to one-third of the Board can be appointed from outside the profession, with two thirds appointed directly from our membership.
  • All directors must fulfil their obligations under the Companies Act and ensure the company meets its statutory and other obligations.
  • The directors will also lead the strategic direction for the company and the office of more than 40 permanent staff.
  • The Board leads the profession and, more importantly, has strategic oversight of the company.
  • Directors are appointed against a skills audit and against an agreed set of criteria and competencies.  
  • If you are based in Wales or Northern Ireland and would like to join the Board of Directors, applications are currently open.  

Having the opportunity of being a company director enabled me to immerse myself in the BDA company, its financial planning and propose meaningful strategies for the dietetic profession. It also allows you to widen your national network at the same time and get to know the BDA staff employees better. Give it a go!

Michele Rae FBDA, Professional Lead and Clinical Services Manager Dietetics, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde